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Rules to be followed here!!!

Welcome to RWF. The rules here are quite simple. Listen to the prez, and you should stay here quite a while. If you do not follow these rules to a "T", then consequences will follow. A first offense will result in a warning. A second offense will result in you being jobbed for two matches. A third offense will results in three jobbed matches. And the fourth and final offense will result in your permanent dismissal from the RWF. However, we will keep your character and use him as a "stepping stone" for really bad rpers. In other words, your guy stays and you go. So here are the rules.

1. ONE WRESTLER PER HANDLER. All Wrestlers have to be made up and original. Anyone found controlling more than one wrestler will be punished.

2. EVERY WRESTLER MUST ROLEPLAY. If you are unable to rp for some reason, contact me, with a VALID reason, and I will take note of this.

3. ABSOLUTELY, NO WHINING!! The staff and I are far to busy handling the fed to listen to each and every person bitch and complain. If you lose your match, don't come crying to me, you lost because you DESERVED to lose.

4. A SNEAK ATTACK OR STRATEGY WILL NOT NECESSARILY AFFECT THE OUTCOME OF A MATCH! This prevents a person from submitting a sneak attack on his opponent and just sitting back. If you want to win, you have to rp better than that person who you are going against.

5. SOME LOSSES MAY BE FOR AN ANGLE... If you are to lose at a card for the sake of an angle, I will notify you and make you aware of this. I will try to keep these losses at a minimum. If you have an angle you think is good, send it to the commisioner or one of the bookers.

6. ALL MATCHES ARE RUN THROUGH ME BEFORE BEING SENT TO THE CARD! After the writers finish the card, they send it to me for final approval. If something isn't as it should be, I redo it, or send it to them to redo it. However, from time to time, even though we ARE perfect, we are still human, and we make mistakes. Don't get upset if your sneak attack or what not didn't make it, we only allow the good ones.

7. NO RACISM OR SEXIST REMARKS!!! If you are found making racist or sexist remarks out of character, you will be fired immediately! However, if it has something to do with your character, its fine, but keep it to a minimum.

8. REMEMBER TO HAVE FUN! Remember guys, this is just a game and should be treated like one. If you lose you lose, if you win you win. Its just like life, roll with the punches and listen to the prez and you'll be fine.
