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Live from The Heart Of New York City

Annoucer: Welcome to the very first Saturday Night Gossip. Your host is former WWF Light Heavyweight Champion Jerry Lynn.

**Jerry Lynn walks out to a chorus of cheers. The crowd chants Jerry. Jerry.**

Jerry: Hello and welcome to the very first Saturday Night Gossip! Tonight's show will feature Triple H and Stone Cold, Stephanie McMahon, Ultimate Warrior and Doomzday and The Rock.

**The fans cheer loudly.**

Jerry: So let's cross to Tazz who's with Stephanie.

Tazz: Thanks Jerry. Stephanie how are you?

Steph: I'm good. A little sore from the attacks by Doomzday but I'm cool. Very excited about the wedding.

Tazz: Oh yes, congratulations Stephanie. I hope your marriage is a strong and stable one.

Steph: Thank you.

Tazz: Now Stephanie, the RWF's Women's Champion. The Rock the RWF World Champion, the Commissioner and now the Co-Owner. With this wedding an incredibly powerful force will be built. But what made you say yes when The Rock asked for your hand in marriage?

Steph: I love The Rock and he loves me. Many people would claim that this marriage won't last but we love each other and come hell or high water, we will stay that way.

Tazz: Ok. What are your thoughts on Doomzday?

Steph: Doomzday. How low are you to attack a woman. I love The Rock and that's how I feel. You can't change that. We are deeply in love. Please try and understand that.

Tazz: What do you think of The Rock's words? "Don't touch Stephanie, I'm giving you permission to touch me."

Steph: I hate what is happening. The Rock is allowing himself to be attacked instead of me. I love him so much for that.

Tazz: Ok. Also…

Steph: Listen Tazz, I've really got to go. I've got to shower before accompanying The Rock on tonight. See you later.

Tazz: Ok. Back to you Jerry.

Jerry: Thank you Tazz and Stephanie for giving us that view on how much the two love each other. Now we are going to a commercial before introducing you to two big superstars here in the RWF.

Commercial: On the 25th, the RWF World Champion and the RWF Women's Champion will become one. They will spend the rest of their lives together and share in holy matrimony a love which will reign for the ages. Finally the dominant forces of both genders will say 'I do.'

Jerry: As you can see these two have been attacked but their love is strong. But now we introduce you to the television champion, Stone Cold Steve Austin.

**The crowd goes up with a cheer as Stone Cold's theme plays. Stone Cold walks out in his usual ring attire. He sits at a chair and is handed two beers.**

Austin: Wanna drink Jerry?

Jerry: No thanks.

Austin: What!?

Jerry: No thank you.

Austin: Oh, ok.

**He opens the two beers and drinks both.**

Jerry: Our next guest is the second ever undisputed champion of the WWF before it shut down. Introducing The Game, Triple H.

**The Game by Motorhead begins to play. Triple H walks out in jeans and a t-shirt which says 'The Game!?' in silver writing. He sits down at another seat.**

Triple H: Austin. Why didn't you save a beer for me?

Austin: Sorry.

**The crowd laugh.**

Jerry: Ok. Now here's your first question. What do you think about The Rock and Stephanie's marriage? Austin, we'll start with you.

Austin: Congratulations. I hope you both live happily together.

Jerry: Is that all?

Austin: Yep.

Jerry: Ok. Triple H?

Triple H: I know what being married to Stephanie is like. She is a sweet person but don't double cross her. She's tough and she's not a slut like everyone says.

Jerry: Ok. Well the D-Team has formed and this team is full of Skill! Skill! Skill! What do you think about D-Team's role and what they can accomplish here in the RWF?

Austin: Yes well the D-Team has a couple of goals. When people think stables they think DX, Ministry of Darkness, Coporation, etc. We want to be recognised as the greatest stable ever. We have myself, Triple H, Doomzday and three beautiful, skilled ladies.

Triple H: We have a WWF and WCW Champion, a Intercontinental Champion, a Tag Team Champion, a European Champion, a RWF Hardcore Champion, a RWF US Champion, an RWF Television Champion, an WWF 3 time Royal Rumble winner, an WWF Royal Rumble winner, two King of the Ring winners, an ECW Women's Champion, a WWF A woman's Champion. We are the greatest team ever.

Jerry: Last off. What do you think about the whole Co-Owner situation?

Austin: I'm shocked! We had this in the WWF but what will this do to the RWF?

Triple H: I agree with Austin. This is going to be very interesting. Jerry: Well thanks a lot guys and good luck in the future.

Austin: No problem.

Triple H: Pleasure.

**The two walk backstage.**

Jerry: We are going to a commercial break and when we come back we are going to speak to Ultimate Warrior. But that's after this commercial.

Commercial: Two greats of the RWF. The Rock and Doomzday. When these two step in the ring, smack is talked and electricity is built. Finally these two will meet at Whiplash on the 28th in a three stages of hell match. Blood will stain the ring but in the end there will be one winner. One Champion. Will it be The Rock or Doomzday? All will be answered at Whiplash!

Jerry: Yes. A historical match at Whiplash. A match which will be full of emotion. But now Tazz is with one of the greats of the WWF, Ultimate Warrior.

U.Warrior: Hey Tazz.

Tazz: Wow. Dude you're a legend.

U.Warrior: Yeah, I guess. Can we start?

Tazz: Oh yeah. Sure. Ok, Warrior. Many people have retired and made a return. Hulk Hogan, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, Goldust, Ric Flair, Mr.Perfect. Why have you returned?

U.Warrior: The business has changed so much. It's not about Macho Man and other past wrestlers. I missed the era of Michaels, Foley, Hart. I'm not missing the era of The Rock, Austin, Triple H, Doomzday and Kurt Angle.

Tazz: Which young talent do you think, can go really far?

U.Warrior: Easy. One of my favourites. RVD!

Tazz: What would you like to see in the RWF?

U.Warrior: I would like to see The Rock get back at Doomzday.

Tazz: Ok that's all we have time for. Back to you Jerry.

Jerry: Thanks Tazz. When we return it'll be The Rock and Doomzday.

Commercial: D-Team! Stone Cold, Triple H, Doomzday, Damia, Lara and Lita. These six unstoppable wrestlers.

Stone Cold: 6 time WWF Champion, 4 time WWF Tag Team Champion, 2 time WCW US Champion, WCW Tag Team Champion, 1998, 1999, 2001 Royal Rumble winner, 1996 King of the Ring winner, 2 time Intercontinental Champion, RWF Television Champion.

Triple H: Undisputed Champion, 4 time WWF Champion, WCW Champion, 4 time WWF Intercontinental Champion, Leader of DX, 2 time WWF European Champion, WWF Tag Team Champion, 2002 Royal Rumble winner, 1997 King of the Ring winner.

Doomzday: RWF US Champion, RWF Hardcore Champion.

Lita: ECW Women's Champion, WWF Women's Champion.

Damia: No facts given.

Lara: No facts given.

Total: Undisputed Champion, 10 time WWF Champion, WCW Champion, 6 time Intercontinental Champion, 2 time WWF European Champion, 8 time WWF Tag Team Champion, 2 time WCW US Champion, 1998, 1999, 2001, 2002 Royal Rumble winners, 1996 and 1997 King of the Ring winners, RWF Television Champion, RWF US Champion, RWF Hardcore Champion, ECW Women's Champion, WWF Women's Champion. Look what they have done to The Rock.

**Pictures are shown of The Rock being beat up.**

Is this a DX or an nWo? D-Team

Jerry: Six talented wrestler in one team and we have one of them. Everybody, the current RWF US and Hardcore Champion. Doomzday!

**Fans boo as Doomzday walks out and sits down.**

Jerry: Now, the RWF World Champion, the Commissioner and the new Co-Owner. He is also scheduled to marry Stephanie McMahon. The People's Champion, The Rock!

**The fans go wild as The Rock walks out with Stephanie McMahon. Doomzday doesn't stay seated for long as he gets up and gets in the face of The Rock. The Rock tries to get past but Doomzday won't allow him. Doomzday then begins to talk smack to The Rock. The Rock begins to talk back and Doomzday gets a really angry look on his face. Doomzday then goes to punch The Rock but The Rock blocks and punches back. Doomzday then hits The Rock with a punch and The Rock punches back. Doomzday goes for another punch but The Rock ducks and hits him with 'The Rock Bottom'.**

Jerry: Rock Bottom! Rock Bottom! The Rock got revenge on Doomzday! That's all we've got time for this week. We will see you again same time next week. **The show ends with the camera zooming in on Doomzday. The credits pop up in a small box in the bottom left hand corner. Then the scene fades to black and the RWF logo appears and then disappears. End of Show.